Sassounian Column
Harut Sassounian is an Armenian-American writer, public activist and publisher of The California Courier which is known for Sassounian's weekly opinion column.
December 22, 2010 

Armenians Sue Turkey Claiming U.S. Air Base Land
Over the years, Armenians have gradually shifted their attention from the recognition of the Genocide to the pursuit of legal remedies for their massive losses suffered between 1915 and 1923.…››December 14, 2010 

In a stunning development, a federal appeals court handed Armenian-Americans a major legal and political victory last week. It reversed its earlier ruling and decided that a California law extending…››December 08, 2010 

Armenians Should Stay Away from Turkey Until Assassination Plot is Investigated
The Turkish Cihan wire service made a sensational revelation last week -- a Turkish hit squad had planned to assassinate a visiting Armenian Parliamentarian on March 22, 2009. Based on…››November 30, 2010 

California Officials Honor Republic of Artsakh and its President
Bako Sahakyan, President of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh), just completed his third visit to Los Angeles. Unlike his previous two visits, he was received last week by prominent…››November 24, 2010 

Conference Participants Enthusiastically Support Elective Diaspora Leadership
After much anticipation and lengthy preparations, the Institute of Armenian Studies at the University of Southern California (USC) held on November 20 a successful international symposium -- "The Armenian Diaspora:…››November 16, 2010 

U.S. Documents Reveal Pres. Bush’s Duplicity on the Armenian Genocide
In a highly informative book, "Children of Armenia: A Forgotten Genocide and Century-long Struggle for Justice," Michael Bobelian has exposed important, but little known facts about the long history of…››November 09, 2010 

Despite Major Shifts in Congress,Armenians Fared Well; Turks not so Well
The Nov. 2 elections were a referendum on Pres. Obama. He had disillusioned most Americans by his failed economic policies and disappointed Armenian-Americans by breaking his promise on the Genocide.…››November 02, 2010 

VP Biden’s Sensational Revelation of Phone Calls with Pres. Sargsyan
Armenians worldwide were scandalized last week by Vice President Joe Biden's revelation that Pres. Sargsyan had told him: "look, do not force this issue [Armenian Genocide recognition] now, while we…››October 27, 2010 

Time to Take a Stand: Who to Vote for and Who to Vote Against?
The November 2 congressional elections are expected to have a tidal wave effect on America's political landscape. Campaign ads and political commentaries have flooded the airwaves and everyone is anxiously…››October 19, 2010 

Media Unfairly Bashes All Armenians Because of Alleged Crimes of a Few
The first problem with the widely circulated reports that several Armenians have defrauded Medicare out of millions of dollars is that these individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Only after…››October 12, 2010 

Turkish Foreign Ministry Should Remove Lies from its Website and Issue Apology
Turkish officials have been misrepresenting the facts of the Armenian Genocide for years. Even though this is saddening and even sickening, it is not surprising. Wrongdoers usually cover up their…››October 06, 2010 

Apology for Vilifying One Man,Yet no Apology for Killing 1.5 Million
In 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based non-profit civil rights organization, published an article titled, "State of Denial: Turkey Spends Millions to Cover Up Armenian Genocide." It…››September 21, 2010 

Who Won Akhtamar Propaganda War: Armenians or Turks?
The Turkish government failed to attract the expected crowd of thousands of worshippers from around the world to the first Mass in almost a century, held at the Holy Cross…››September 14, 2010 

Senate Should not Confirm Bryza As U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan
At the request of Sen. Barbara Boxer, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had postponed from early August to mid-September its vote on Matt Bryza, nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan.…››September 07, 2010 

Top Three Armenian Church Leaders Boycott Turkish Show in Akhtamar
The Turkish scheme of luring Armenian Church leaders to participate in a religious show at Holy Cross (Sourp Khach) Church on Akhtamar Island, Lake Van, backfired last week. The heads…››August 31, 2010 

The State Department has acted negligently and possibly in contempt of Congress by withholding assistance that it had expressly allocated to Nagorno Karabagh (Artsakh) during the past 12 years. The…››August 17, 2010 

Why Would Armenians Go to Akhtamar, And Become Tools of Turkish Propaganda?
Ever since the Genocide, after nearly a century of banning Armenian church services, the Turkish government has finally decided to allow a one-time celebration of Mass to be held at…››August 11, 2010 

In a major embarrassment for the Obama Administration, Senators took an unprecedented action last week, blocking the President’s ambassadorial nominees for both Azerbaijan and Turkey! The Administration showed a total…››August 03, 2010 

Armenians Seek Billions of Dollars In Lawsuit Against Turkey
After struggling for decades to get the Armenian Genocide recognized, and having taken legal action against western banks and insurance companies, Armenian-Americans filed their first lawsuit against the Republic of…››July 27, 2010