Democratic Liberal Party Ramgavar

The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party is essentially an ethnic organization the main objective of which is the pursuance of the major concerns of the Armenian people, with the collective efforts of the entire nation, without any class discrimination.
The ideology is based on the principles of supremacy of the popular will, the full implementation of all individual and collective rights and constant evolution of social conditions. The foremost considerations of the party, however, constitute the complete restoration of the historical Armenian fatherland, the general development and progress of Armenia, the ethnic preservation of the Armenian diaspora, and ultimately the assemblage of the Armenian people on our historical and traditional lands. The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party believes that Armenia and the Armenian people should embody the axes of all our national drives, without any exception, and that our fidelity and dedication to them should not be conditional to varied considerations. It is with this unwavering belief that it has constantly remained faithfully adherent to the slogan "Always with the fatherland and the people; for the fatherland and the people".
In Cyprus a core of Armenian Democratic Liberal Democratic party members has existed since the 1930s. The Party has officially participated in the Diocesan Council elections of 1946. Whereas the official Vahan Tekeyan Cyprus Chapter of the Party has been in operation ever since 1956.
Within the Cyprus Armenian community the following deceased members have had prominent activities: Setrak Guebenlian, Dr. Hagop Topdjian, Hrant Dantsigian, Yervant Nigoghosian, Khachadour Papazian, Fimi Papazian, Hovhannes Sheohmelian, Arshavir Berberian, Karekin Geotcherian, Haigashen Ouzounian, Dr. Haroutioun Essegulian, Varoujan Bedikian, Khajag Baladouni, Garabed Papazian, Sossy Bedikian and others.
It is also worth mentioning the names of the following ADLP members who, although have emigrated from Cyprus, they have been known for their fruitful community activities in the Island: among others, Ara Topdjian, Krikor Mandossian, Garbis Yessayan, Ara Kalaydjian, Dr. Minas Kodjayan.