The Church in Cyprus

As any traditional Armenian Church, all Churches in Cyprus not only cater the spiritual needs of the community, but are also a gathering point for the majority of the Armenians, not only at St. Magar Monastery in the Kyrenia district (Before the occupation) and St. Asdvadzadzin in Nicosia but also at St. Stepanos in Larnaca and at St. Kevork in Limassol
Since 1930 all local churches came under the jurisdiction of the Catholicosate of Sis-Cilicia which had moved from Istanbul (Turkey) to Antelias (Lebanon).
The Armenian community in Nicosia lost its church and Prelature to the Turks in 1963 during the Greek-Turkish inter-communal fighting.
Displacement of Armenians Khoren 1, the Cypriot born Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, was the last distinguished guest to visit the old Armenian quarter of Nicosia in 1963. The fighting that broke out that same year between the Turkish and Greek communities had tragic consequences, resulting in the displacement of both Greeks and Armenians living in the old city. Father Der Vasken Sandruni played a significant role during this transitional period in rehabilitating the community. He helped raise funds and supervised the building projects in addition to his work as the head parish priest.
Finally in 1981, with the help of the Cyprus government, the World Council of Churches, many European Churches and individual donations, a new church was built in Nicosia, the "Sourp Astvatsatsin".
The consecration ceremoney of the new Church of St. Asdvadzadzin was held on 22 November 1981. It was attended by His Holiness Catholicos Khoren I, and Karekin II of Cilicia, who were accompanied by the then Cyprus Bishop, Zareh Aznavourian, a gifted composer, writer and translator of the Bible into modern Armenian and Dr Antranig Ashdjian, the parliamentary representative of the Armenian community from 1970 to 1982.

- Armenian Prelacy of Cyprus and Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Cathedral
armprel [at]
Phone ++357-22493560, Fax ++357-22492750
Catholicossal Vicar: His Eminence Archbishop Nareg (Alemezian)
Rev. Fr. Momik Habeshian dermomik [at] - Sourp Amenaprgitch Chapel (located within the Premises of Kalaydjian Rest Home for the Elderly)
- Sourp Boghos Chapel (not in use today, located in the old Armenian Cemetery near the city centre)
- Sourp Haroutune Chapel (not in use today, located in the old Armenian Cemetery in Ayios Pavlos qtr)

Sourp Stepanos Armenian Apostolic Church
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Mashdots Ashkarian
mesrob [at] - LIMASSOL
Sourp Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Mashdots Ashkarian
mesrob [at]
Phone ++357-24654435
Churches under Turkish occupation, inaccessible by the community and neglected by the occupying regime:
- Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church
Located in the occupied Armenian quarter of Nicosia, with the old Prelacy buildings and the Melikian-Ouzounian Primary School - Sourp Magar Armenian Monastery, a.k.a. Magaravank
Located in the Kyrenia Mountain Range, with more than 9000 donums of orchards and fields - Ganchvor Sourp Asdvadzadzin Monastery in Famagusta