Community News

May 17th - International Day against Homophobia
In Cyprus, Homophobia is perhaps the least recognized form of discrimination. Data from the latest Eurobarometer have shown that Cypriots are more wary of having a homosexual neighbor than the average EU citizen and are much less likely to elect a homosexual politician to a public office. Homophobia is often not perceived as a serious form of discrimination. This is something that the campaign "For Diversity. Against Discrimination." aims to address.
Since 2003 the European Commission (Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) is running a pan-European information campaign on combating discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orientation. The campaign "For Diversity. Against Discrimination." is designed to inform people about their rights under EU anti-discrimination legislation, to promote the positive benefits of diversity in the workplace as well as to indicate contact organisations to victims of discrimination.
Many of the activities carried out under the campaign are organised nationally and locally in each EU Member State with support from a European level. They comprise, amongst others, partnerships with national events, media relations, production and distribution of campaign material in 23 languages and the organisation of a Journalist Award.
Visit the campaign website:
Visit the Website of Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding:
Submit your article on discrimination and win up to 5000 euros: