Community News

As of Saturday, 28 May 2011, the 3rd volume of the "History of the Republic of Cyprus" will be available from kiosks all around Cyprus. I am delighted to inform you that pages 182-201 will host a lengthy article of mine (about 5.200 words), beautifully illustrated and outlining the presence of the community from time immemorial till present day.
The main emphasis is set in the period 1960-2011, recording every major event until early March 2011. I believe it is a must-have piece for all Armenians who can read Greek, as well as a very informative source for everyone who wants to be informed about the Armenian-Cypriot community.
As the volume is about 250 pages long, leather-bound and covering the period 1980-1989, it will be available for €12,50, regardless if "Phileleftheros" is purchased with it.
Cherm parevnerov,
Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra
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